How to Write for Forbes in 2024

thought leadership



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Forbes is an iconic and recogniizable business brand that has accepted select outside contributors for over 10 years.

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The Forbes Coaches' Council is a pay-to-play program, and if you join it, you can never become a regular contributor.

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Contributing Is Different From the Coaches' Council

How to Write for Forbes, in 4 Steps

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thought leadership

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Read the Outlet

Actually read Forbes!

Reading an outlet will both help you get a sense of the target publication's writing style and inform your next blog post or story idea.


Research the Relevant Editor

Forbes has a lot of bylines on its site. 

Look specifically for the editors, people who are employed full time by Forbes, before making your next move.

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Write a Clear, Focused Pitch

Time to take your swing! There is no perfect pitch formula, but the sooner you can get to your point and make your case, the better.

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Write a Compelling, Succinct Article

Did your pitch get accepted? Well done!

Now let’s ensure you back up what you pitched with a solid article draft.

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“How to Write for Forbes in 2024 in 4 Steps”



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